Welcome to the Embassy of Bangladesh, Tokyo

Economic Wing

Tokyo Japan

The Economic Wing at the Embassy of Bangladesh in Japan is headed by an officer who holds the diplomatic rank of a Minister. As a functional unit of the Economic Relations Division (ERD), the Economic Wing is charged with the responsibilities to strengthen and enhance the existing bilateral economic cooperation between Bangladesh and Japan. The Economic Wing is facilitating mobilization of resources, financial assistance and technical cooperation from Japan to Bangladesh. In addition, this wing is helping to develop/improve capacity of Human Resources and transfer of technology through facilitating higher education and training for Bangladeshis in Japanese universities and institutions. This wing also helps to promote investment by Japanese companies/entrepreneurs in Bangladesh.

Major Functions of Economic Wing:

  • Mobilize bilateral aid in the form of Grants, Loans and Technical Cooperation for Bangladesh;
  • Monitor macro-economic indicators of the Japanese economy and report on the implications of the movements of those indicators on the potential ODA flows of Japan;
  • Facilitate and arrange signing of ODA Loan Agreements between the Governments of Bangladesh and Japan;
  • Maintain liaison and coordination with key institutions, bureaus, agencies and relevant ministries such as Finance, Foreign Affairs, METI, International Cooperation Bureaus, JICA, JBIC and other key ministries/institutions of the Japanese Government in order to facilitate Japanese ODA mobilization to Bangladesh;
  • Promote Japanese investment in Bangladesh through maintaining regular contacts with different Chambers of Commerce and Industries, and brief them about investment opportunities in Bangladesh;
  • Maintain liaison with different Ministries of the Government of Bangladesh regarding issues relating to Japanese ODA, investment, business, etc.;
  • Assist strengthening Human Resource Development of Bangladesh through coordination of Japanese scholarships such as, Japanese Grant Aid for Human Resource Development Scholarship (JDS), Youth Development Program, Monbukagakusho Scholarship, etc.

Japanese ODA loan support as a result of ‘Comprehensive Partnership’ (since 2014)

During the official visit of Japan by Hon’ble Prime Minister of Bangladesh H.E. Sheikh Hasina in 2014, a summit meeting was held with Japanese Prime Minster H.E. Mr. Shinzo Abe. They upgraded the bilateral relationship to ‘Comprehensive Partnership’. Since then, the economic cooperation between the two countries has been further intensified. Recently, our Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina visited Japan from 25-28 April 2023. During her summit meeting with the current Prime Minister of Japan H.E. Mr. Fumio Kishida, the relationship between Bangladesh and Japan has been further upgraded to ‘Strategic Partnership’ which will further diversify, expand and deepen the economic cooperation.  Japan is the single largest bilateral development partner of Bangladesh since long. Year wise Japanese ODA loan support for various projects in Bangladesh since 2014 are as follows:


ODA Loan Package

Total Loan Amount


US$ (eqv)



120.986 billion

1.184 billion



133.265 billion

1.076 billion



173.538 billion

1.549 billion



178.223 billion

1.5484 billion



200.371 billion

1.831 billion



275.786 billion

2.5 billion



338.247 billion

3.2 billion



310.285 billion

2.823 billion



331.18 billion

2.549 billion



324.191 billion

2.242 billion




Syed Nasir Ershad
Economic Minister
Embassy of Bangladesh Tokyo, Japan
Phone: 03-3234-5801 (Ext-200)
Email: economin.tokyo@mofa.gov.bd